Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Trekking the GR10 Trail: Through the French Pyrenees by Paul Lucia

Trekking the GR10 Trail: Through the French Pyrenees by Paul Lucia

Trekking the GR10 Trail: Through the French Pyrenees

Trekking the GR10 Trail: Through the French Pyrenees by Paul Lucia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Guidebook to the GR10, a 955km trek across the French Pyrenees from Hendaye on the Atlantic Coast to the Mediterranean coast at Banyuls-sur-Mer. Described in 55-day stages of 7-27km, the route can be completed in its entirety, usually in around 45 days, or in shorter sections using the bus and rail links found throughout the Pyrenees.

Step by step route descriptions are accompanied by 1:100,000 mapping and gradient profiles. Useful practical information is also included such as when to go, getting there and back, camping, accessing fuel and water, plus handy equipment tips and more.

The easiest, oldest and most popular of the three long-distance routes that traverse the mountain range, the GR10 is well waymarked and follows good mountain paths. For many walkers, the highlight of the route is the magnificent wildflowers and associated butterflies. For others, it's the spectacular mountain terrain, while those keen on bird watching will delight in scanning the sky for the many varieties of birds of prey that can be seen in the region, from the massive Griffon vulture to the distinctly coloured Egyptian vulture.

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