Blueprints in Obstetrics & Gynecology by Tamara L. Callahan, Aaron B. Caughey, Linda J. Heffner
Blueprints in Obstetrics & Gynecology by Tamara L. Callahan, Aaron B. Caughey, Linda J. Heffner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Blueprints Series has been developed to enable the reader to review the core material in each discipline quickly and efficiently. The topics for each subject were chosen from an analysis of over 2000 representative review questions from the USMLE Steps 2 & 3. The book is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather a composition of the "high-yield" topics that consistently appear on these exams. The material in these books is presented either as a workup of a symptom or as a discussion of a particular disease or pathological process. This format has been chosen to compliment the style of questions on the USMLE Steps 2 & 3 which are now crafted into clinical vignettes. This unique series of books will be equally as useful to all medical students during their clerkships and sub-internships.From reader reviews:
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