Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Noisy Peekaboo Baa! Baa! by DK Publishing

Noisy Peekaboo Baa! Baa! by DK Publishing

Noisy Peekaboo Baa! Baa!

Noisy Peekaboo Baa! Baa! by DK Publishing PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

*Note: Noisy Book batteries are light activated, please make sure the lighting is sufficient for this book.

These new additions to DK's popular Peekaboo series are filled with sounds that will captivate and delight toddlers with a new noisy surprise after every turn of the page.

Under the farm-themed flaps of Baa! Baa! toddlers will find five noisy toy animals, including a mooing cow, a neighing horse, and a rooster going cock-a-doodle-doo.

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