Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Contraband of Hoopoe by Ewa Chrusciel

Contraband of Hoopoe by Ewa Chrusciel

Contraband of Hoopoe

Contraband of Hoopoe by Ewa Chrusciel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Contraband of Hoopoe explores issues of dislocation, immigration and desire. Chrusciel invents a poetics of smuggling as she crosses national, historical and linguistic borders. The migratory narrative is distinctly errant, haunted by a childhood lived under a Communist regime, by the austerity of Eastern block politics, and by the possibility of discovering a fleeting language to carry the seeds of illicit revelation, spiritual transformation, and insight. The book elevates smuggling to a noble art, recording how the Jewish people were hidden and transported during the Holocaust. Chrusciel tracks a series of historical objects and secret messages that immigrants throughout history have been sneaking through customs, past border checkpoints, and across the seas.

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