Senin, 29 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ The Cheese Companion: A Connoisseurs Guide (Connoisseur's Guides) by Judy Ridgway

The Cheese Companion: A Connoisseurs Guide (Connoisseur's Guides) by Judy Ridgway

The Cheese Companion: A Connoisseurs Guide (Connoisseur's Guides)

The Cheese Companion: A Connoisseurs Guide (Connoisseur's Guides) by Judy Ridgway PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From Appenzeller to Wensleydale, from Gruyere to Parmigiano-Reggiano, the world of cheese is one to be discovered and savored by everyone who loves to eat. This accessible new paperback version of the original, comprehensive guide to selecting and enjoying the world’s most popular cheeses is designed for easy reference, with an alphabetical directory of 106 varieties. Profiled by name, origin, characteristics, variations, and serving selections, each entry also indicates the type of milk used in production, the cheese’s pungency, fat content, and compatibility with specific wines. A short section traces the history of cheese and how it is made.

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The Cheese Companion: A Connoisseurs Guide (Connoisseur's Guides) by Judy Ridgway EPub

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