Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Psalms to the Moon by Morgan Sennhauser

Psalms to the Moon by Morgan Sennhauser

Psalms to the Moon

Psalms to the Moon by Morgan Sennhauser PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Psalms to the Moon is a book of VERY short love poems.

Unrequited love, unfinished feelings, and abrupt endings.

They read like the notes left in the margin of a diary, or maybe those inspirational images on Facebook. Your eyes pass over them, and you're done. But it sticks with you, and you linger before turning to the next page.

Psalms to the Moon was written, essentially, over a two week period. There was an ice storm, and the author was house-bound, in a wheelchair after a severe car accident. The end of the relationship outlined in Psalms gave them time to tinker and edit the poems. The next six months were spent shifting the order, and organizing a small-scale Kindle release.

Now, after six months, the author has released physical copies of their romance poems. And while the short, almost tweet-lengthed poetry seemed perfectly at home on Kindle, paper does do it good. Seeing each poem on its own enhances the gravity each piece creates.

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