Rabu, 04 November 2015

PDF⋙ Suicide and Suicide attempts in Europe: Findings from the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour (1st ed) by AD JFM Kerkhof

Suicide and Suicide attempts in Europe: Findings from the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour (1st ed) by AD JFM Kerkhof

Suicide and Suicide attempts in Europe:  Findings from the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour (1st ed)

Suicide and Suicide attempts in Europe: Findings from the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour (1st ed) by AD JFM Kerkhof PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Suicide and suicidal behavior are a major problem in many countries around the world, and the differences between countries provide vital information for determining the most effective strategies for suicide prevention. The WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Suicidal Behaviour is one of the largest ever research endeavors looking into the epidemiology, causes, and prevention of suicidal behavior, and has over the past years started to produce important and highly relevant results. Containing chapters from each of the participating centers from around Europe, this book brings together and summarizes the most significant findings with regard to the magnitude of the problem, its causes, and possible approaches to prevention - findigns which could be benefit not just in Europe but also in North America and around the world. A vital source of up-to-the-minute information from one of the most important studies in the world on suicidal behavior, this book is a must for all those concerned with suicide research and prevention, as well as epidemiology and public health policy.

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Suicide and Suicide attempts in Europe: Findings from the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour (1st ed) by AD JFM Kerkhof Mobipocket
Suicide and Suicide attempts in Europe: Findings from the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour (1st ed) by AD JFM Kerkhof EPub

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