Minggu, 02 November 2014

PDF⋙ Hosea: The Passion of God (Focus on the Bible) by Tim Chester

Hosea: The Passion of God (Focus on the Bible) by Tim Chester

Hosea: The Passion of God (Focus on the Bible)

Hosea: The Passion of God (Focus on the Bible) by Tim Chester PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In the message of Hosea we see the passion of God. We see the jealousy of God, the commitment of God, the heartbreak of God, the enthusiasm of God, the love of God. People often talk about what they feel about God. Hosea tells us what God feels about us. It is the author's prayer that as we explore the message of Hosea the Spirit of God would reveal God's passion so that He stirs our passion: our jealousy for God, our commitment to God, our heartbreak at sin, our enthusiasm to serve, our love for the lost.

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Hosea: The Passion of God (Focus on the Bible) by Tim Chester EPub

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