Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means and How It Is Made (Dover Art Instruction) by William Zorach, Art Instruction
Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means and How It Is Made (Dover Art Instruction) by William Zorach, Art Instruction PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
As noted American sculptor William Zorach explains in this practical and inspirational guide, sculpture is a language, as are music and the spoken word. It is one of the great natural means of human expression. In teaching students to explore this valuable medium, he offers lucid, insightful coverage of such topics as form in art, proportions, anatomy, rhythm, design, and other essentials.
Students will also find a wealth of practical guidance for building a figure in clay, casting in plaster and stone, wood carving and wood sculpture, stone carving and sculpture, handling stone, and more. Hundreds of drawings and photographs enhance the text, ranging from ancient Greek terra-cottas to 20th-century masterpieces by Lachaise, Maillol, Brancusi, Epstein, and other masters. There are also many helpful drawings and diagrams illuminating various steps and stages in the sculpting process.
Brimming with the distilled artistic wisdom of a lifetime, this enormously informative work belongs not only at the fingertips of every sculptor or sculpture student but in the library of anyone interested in the artistic process and how an artist's vision becomes reality.
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