Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Gorilla Monsoon (Wrestling Greats) by Ross Davies

Gorilla Monsoon (Wrestling Greats) by Ross Davies

Gorilla Monsoon (Wrestling Greats)

Gorilla Monsoon (Wrestling Greats) by Ross Davies PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The tremendous figures presented in this exciting, high-interest new series are some of the wrestling world's greatest heroes. Young teens drawn to the sport because of the colorful nature of its participants and because of the traits these men possess -- courage, tenacity, a sense of adventure, strength, endurance, and commitment -- will find hours of action-packed reading here. Each handsome volume, chock-full of fascinating photos and lively text, will provide an excellent read for any young wrestling fan.

Davies provides a vivid biography of professional wrestling's Living Legend. He traces Sammartino's humble beginnings in war-torn Italy during the 1940s to his coming of age in the rugged steel town of Pittsburgh. The book details Sammartino's spectacular and dramatic wrestling matches, describes his status as working-class hero and fan favorite, and discusses his eventual retirement.

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