Crystal Speak: How I learned to Connect/Communicate with my crystals and how you can too! by Kristi Hugs
Crystal Speak: How I learned to Connect/Communicate with my crystals and how you can too! by Kristi Hugs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Crystal Speak shares the story of this authors crystal journey combined with her own personal communication sessions with a variety of crystals. Learn with Kristi as she takes you step by step through the connection/communication process with gentle guidance and support. She will teach you how to connect and communicate with your own crystals on a very personal level. "Trust what you hear, see and feel. Do not question, simply allow. You have the ability. This is a natural intuitive tool. Use it, practice it. No one knows this better than you. You CAN do this. You will remember that you have known all along." Once this understanding is acknowledged and trusted, you will be able to easily choose crystals for healing, gridding, altars, personal use and more.From reader reviews:
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